On the Couch with Amy Hack

Amy Hack AAR On the CouchWho is Amy Hack?
Performer, amateur melodica player with lots of potential, curly girl and passionate proponent of the Curly Girl Method TM, cat whisperer.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Most things. Unfortunately I’m a bit of a perfectionist and have the habit of holding myself to impossible standards most of the time, which are of course impossible to meet! BUT I am midway through a psychology degree (let’s hope this can help with the aforementioned problem), so if performing weren’t a possibility I would love to work in some form of therapy and help people find ways to live a little happier.

Who inspires you and why?
Erykah Badu is my Jesus. I’ve been a Baduist since I first listened to her music when I was little, and have listened to it almost every day since then. Her philosophy on art, life, and creativity has always felt very right to me, it reminds me to live and act with integrity and gratitude. Also my big sister Claudia. She is the most wonderful actor and mum and sister, brimming with compassion and humour, I will never stop wanting to be like her when I grow up.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
More playtime, more nap time, more making conversation with strangers on the bus without people looking at you funny. More taking the time to try to understand other people’s points of view and considering why they might have them. More support for the arts, the artists and the people who feel excluded from the arts world to be involved with the art we make. Plant more trees.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
It’s about the journey, not the destination. But truly, I do love road trips with people I love – I love enforcing my favorite podcasts on them, picking up fresh cherries from a seller on the side of the road, staying at dingy motels in the middle of nowhere and being checked in by a loveable local middle-aged couple with several iguana’s in a fish tank on the front desk.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Usually first stop is Golden Lotus, the mecca of Vietnamese vegan food in Sydney. Then perhaps to some of the beautiful beaches Sydney offers – my current favourite is Congwong. And then I’d schlep them back to the city for a wine and to catch a theatre show, and maybe another round of Golden Lotus who knows, there are no rules!

What are you currently reading?
I’m pushing through The Quiet American – not my usual taste, it was gifted to me by a friend upon my return to Australia from Vietnam (it’s set in Vietnam in the early stages of the Vietnam War). Just finished Boy Swallows Universe and fell in love hard with that, would recommend!

What are you currently listening to?
Magic Nic! Incredible new Sydney musician who writes totally beautiful bluesy rock tunes and lets me sing backing for him sometimes and do the occasional melodica solo even though I truly don’t know how to play this instrument. And my Young Frankenstein harmonies on repeat.

Happiness is?
Being silly with my nieces who are the most brilliant and hilarious humans to ever grace this planet. Also having real talk with them and witnessing them forge their own opinions and passions and place in the world. And being lucky enough to be the cool Aunty who they share these with!

What does the future hold for you?
I have many things that I would love to achieve and experience in my life, many more stories I would love to share, things I would love to see and do and make. But I know that the future is an elusive beast that you can never know even if you try, so I try my best to make the most of this moment as best I can, which is hard coz the future and the past are such enticing mistresses.

Amy stars in the Australian premiere of the Mel Brooks kooky musical comedy, Young Frankenstein at the Hayes Theatre Co from 18 February 2021. For more information, visit: www.hayestheatre.com.au for details.

Image: Amy Hack (supplied)