On the Couch with Aidan Niarros

Aidan Niarros AAR On the CouchWho is Aidan Niarros?
What a question! I’d say I’m a 29-year-old grade 6 teacher that has decided acting really may be the thing that makes me the happiest! I spend all day telling other people to follow their passion and so I decided to take my own advice… I love making little kids laugh and doing something as special as The Wind in the Willows makes that really easy.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I’m currently living this question so that answer acting of course! But I suppose if I had to do anything else… I’d say some sort of King or Prince? Something lavish and opulent and with very little else to do but sit in a garden and take in a play.

Who inspires you and why?
I guess I’m more inspired by things and attitudes than by people. My students really inspired me – they’d fail, laugh it off, and keep trying until they got it right. It’s always about trying something as hard and as fiercely as you can. Kids take that message and run with it and that’s inspiring to see… and so infectious!

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I really believe that what I do already makes a difference in the world! This production of The Wind in the Willows is so magical – it gives people a safe haven to escape to and enjoy the beautiful gardens, away from all the noise and chaos of everyday life

Favourite holiday destination and why?
I love Greece, I’m a good Greek boy and so the motherland is a special place for me. The food is sensational, the people are chill and so welcoming, and the scenery is spectacular.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I love to take friends to the football at the MCG. Collingwood games are always a treat and to top it all off there is an absolutely fantastic little hidden bar in the CBD called ‘beneath driver lane’. That’s a good night in Melbourne!

What are you currently reading?
Currently Ned Brockman’s Fired up – so far so good!

What are you currently listening to?
Little Creatures – Talking Heads.

Happiness is?
Happiness is unquantifiable to the lay person. However, to a seasoned children’s theatre performer, it is easily quantified as 16 points in scrabble.

What does the future hold for you?
I will be performing in The Wind in the Willows at the Botanical Gardens until 25 January and then after that is a mystery!!!

Aidan can be seen in Australian Shakespeare Company’s production of The Wind in the Willows at the Royal Botanical Gardens Melbourne until 25 January 2025. For more information, visit: www.shakespeareaustralia.com.au for details.

Image: Aidan Niarros (supplied)