On the Couch with Adam Murphy

WICKED-Adam-Murphy-photo-by-Hugh-StewartWho is Adam Murphy?
Adam is an award-winning actor and musical theatre performer – whose recent credits include Major Metcalf in Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap, Bruce Bechdel in Fun Home (STC / MTC) and Happy End (Victorian Opera).

What would you do differently from what you do now?
After considering if there is anything else I would do differently, I can honestly say I wouldn’t change a thing. I am very happy in all aspects of my life. My wife and I are are about to celebrate 20 years of marriage, we have 3 smart, brave, healthy children and I am lucky enough to be still working in an industry that I have loved for the past 30 years.

Who inspires you and why?
The people who inspire me most are those who are always evolving and committed to learning new things. For example my wife has transformed herself from having a career in welfare to becoming a yoga instructor and creating her own business. She inspires me because it reminds me that I should always take opportunities to achieve more.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
As far as making a difference in the world, the best I can do is hope I have learned from past mistakes. I’d like to think I can pass on what I’ve learned, with the best of my ability, to my children. Hopefully this betters their lives and also those around them. I also shouldn’t underestimate my involvement in the arts as it’s a strong medium to not only entertain but to encourage people to think about all sorts of topics and hopefully make a difference.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
It’s difficult to pick a favourite holiday destination. Anywhere with a beach and a laid back lifestyle is fine by me. A few years ago my family and I took a 10 day trip to Bali. I think the combination of culture, food and weather made it the perfect destination for us to unwind, relax and have fun.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
When friends come to town I’d probably take them to the Yarra Valley in Victoria. It’s not far from where I live and with it’s beautiful scenery, fresh air and great variety of wineries and restaurants, it’s a great way to spend a day or weekend.

What are you currently reading?
I’ve just started reading a biography on Hugh Laurie by Anthony Bunko. Hugh Laurie is an actor I’ve admired for many years and has achieved great success in television and film. His varied and impressive work is proof he is just as comfortable in a drama as he is in a comedy. I also love the fact that he is a musician who has released a couple of blues albums. About 10 years ago when I was doing a show in Canberra, I saw him multiple times in the foyer of the accommodation where I was staying. He was touring Australia with his blues band. Unfortunately I didn’t have the courage to say hello.

What are you currently listening to?
I’m a Beatles fan and I have all their albums, as well as their solo albums, on high rotation. At the moment I am enjoying George Harrison’s All Things Must Pass. So many amazing, interesting and unique sounding songs.

Happiness is?
Happiness is the many small moments in life that usually turn up unexpectedly. A random lunch date with my wife, watching my kids play the sport they love and the feeling of pride when they achieve something, having time to have a picnic in our backyard in the sunshine.

What does the future hold for you?
The future for anyone in the performing arts is never fully mapped out. It’s one of the most exciting things of the industry but also one of the most scary things, especially if you have a mortgage and a family. In my experience opportunities often present themselves out of nowhere and lead your career in a completely different direction. I’m happy to be part of the Wicked company for this next chapter of my life and look forward to whatever other acting opportunities come my way in the future.

Adam is starring as Doctor Dillamond in WICKED The Musical – which is currently playing at the Sydney Lyric Theatre (Opening Night: Thursday 7 September 2023). For more information, visit: www.wickedthemusical.com.au for details.

Image: Adam Murphy – photo by Hugh Stewart