New Theatre to present the Sydney premiere of INK by James Graham

New Theatre INK Rupert Murdoch Keystone Press AlamyA blisteringly funny exposé of how Rupert Murdoch changed print media forever, New Theatre presents the Sydney premiere season of James Graham’s INK from 28 May 2024.

They called him ‘The Dirty Digger’. In 1969, freshly landed in London’s Fleet Street, bursting with ambition and an Aussie’s desire to shaft the British establishment, he took ownership of a flagging daily newspaper and turned it into a media phenomenon.

His name was Rupert Murdoch. The paper was The Sun. Together with its maverick editor, Larry Lamb, he was on a mission to give the people what they wanted – which turned out to be screaming headlines, celebrity gossip, and Page Three girls!

Award-winning writer James Graham reveals the inner workings of the tabloid press, as the upstart rag and its staff of underdog reporters engage in a circulation war of attrition with the best-selling newspaper in the world, The Mirror.

Directed by Artistic Director Louise Fischer, this is New Theatre’s second production of a James Graham play, following the Australian premiere of The Angry Brigade in 2019. He is one of the UK’s leading writers for stage and screen, often canvassing political themes.

INK is a fast and furious, blisteringly funny exposé of how two men changed print media forever.

Director: Louise Fischer | Featuring: Adrian Adam, Les Asmussen, William Baltyn, Damon Bishop, Simon Bolton, Nick Curnow, Sophie Highmore, Brycen Horne, Jack Elliot Mitchell, Emmanuel Nicolaou, Charlotte Sherston, Mariah Stock, Parker Texilate, Daniel Tompson, Chad Traupman, Jane Wallace, Emily Weare | Set Designer: Tom Bannerman | Lighting Designer: Peter Ross | Costume Consultant: Aibhlinn Stokes | Sound Designer: Kevin Davidson | Audio Visual Designer: Verica Nikolic | Assistant Director: Spark Sanders Robinson | Stage Manager: Rosane McNamara

New Theatre, 542 King Street, Newtown
Season: 29 May – 29 June 2024 (preview: 28 May)
Information and Bookings:

Image: Rupert Murdoch – © Keystone Press | Alamy