New Grants to Provide Spaces for Victorian Creatives to Thrive

Together-We-Create-photo-by-My-Life-Through-A-Lens-UnsplashThe Victorian Government is supporting creatives and businesses to deliver more affordable and accessible workspaces, developing a stronger and more sustainable creative sector.

The Creative Neighbourhood Infrastructure Support Program provides grants for infrastructure upgrades that enable creatives to develop and present their work in improved, affordable and accessible workspaces.

“This program provides vital support to Victorian creatives, ensuring they have the spaces they need to do their best work and thrive,” said Minister for Creative Industries Danny Pearson.

“We’re strengthening the sector and ensuring that more creatives have the facilities they need to develop new work and grow their careers and businesses.”

Supporting creatives to grow their careers and businesses, the program supports small to medium capital works, digital infrastructure upgrades as well as equipment purchases and installation.

Availability of affordable and accessible workplaces will be increased with the program supporting refurbishment and renovation of existing spaces, as well as the creation of new fit-for-purpose creative spaces.

With this program, the Government is helping to meet industry demand for appropriate and affordable workspaces, an issue that has been amplified by the impacts of the pandemic.

Now open for applications, the program has three streams: First Peoples, with grants available from $5,000 to $150,000. Small grants, with grants available from $5,000 to $74,999 for projects such as minor refurbishments or fit-outs to adapt spaces for creative use. Large grants, with grants available from $75,000 to $150,000 for more significant infrastructure projects.

The Creative Neighbourhood Infrastructure Support Program is part of Creative State 2025 – the Government strategy to support the recovery and growth of Victoria’s creative industries.

Applications for the Creative Neighbourhood Infrastructure Support Program are now open and close on Thursday 2 June 2022. For more information and eligibility requirements, visit for details.

Image: Together We Create – photo by My Life Through A Lens | Unsplash