New Canberra Theatre Centre gets funding boost

ACT-Early-concept-design-of-the-new-Canberra-Theatre-CentreThe ACT Government is investing in arts facilities as part of the 2022-23 ACT Budget to ensure the infrastructure of tomorrow is being built for Canberrans.

A total of $28.44 million has been committed to revitalising Civic Square and the Canberra Theatre Centre. This will fund design work and extensive stakeholder and community consultation for the expanded Canberra Theatre Centre, which will include a new major theatre.

A further $2.39 million will be invested to commence essential workplace health and safety upgrades and to provide the required resourcing to support the expansion and redevelopment of the Canberra Theatre Centre.

In addition, $8 million will go towards major heritage restorations and critical building upgrades at Gorman House Arts Centre in time for the site’s centenary in 2024. This investment will enhance accessibility, safety and energy efficiency and deliver major heritage restorations to this much-loved centre.

Lanyon Homestead will also undergo revitalisation and safety works, with the former Nolan Gallery to be converted into administration space, providing a modern, safe, and comfortable workspace for ACT Historic Places staff, while respecting the unique heritage values of the precinct.

Work will also be undertaken to remove and replace trees nearing the end of their lifespan, helping to enhance the visitor experience and preserve the heritage values of the Lanyon landscape.

Funding for arts organisations will increase by around 10 per cent, providing a total of over $7.9 million per year to Canberra’s leading arts organisations.

This funding boost has been announced as part of the new ACT Arts, Culture and Creative Policy and Arts Organisation Investment Program, and will support the ambition for Canberra to be recognised as Australia’s arts capital.

This enhanced funding and renewed policy will enable arts organisations to foster a culture of innovation and creativity and strongly contribute to creating professional pathways and creative experiences for Canberrans at all levels.

For more information about Arts ACT program, visit: For more information about the Canberra Theatre Centre project, visit: for details.

Image: Early concept design of the new Canberra Theatre Centre – courtesy of Built for Canberra