Arts-House-NEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVER-Sol-Feldman-Aaron-Orzech-photo-by-Pia-JohnsonA meditation on boyhood as it is lived, remembered and lost, Arts House presents the world premiere of NEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVER by Aaron Orzech and collaborators, at the North Melbourne Town Hall from 9 November 2022.

NEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVER captures a moment before childhood is lost forever. Hovering between dance and theatre, the work is a portrait of a friendship that unfolds between two physically different bodies.

Devised over five years between 36-year-old Aaron Orzech and 13-year-old Sol Feldman, this new work looks at the fleetingness of childhood.

It shows a man and a boy dodging each other’s shadows and refusing to stay still – they slide in and out of unison, pull apart and traverse the ghostly landscape of an abandoned Neverland.

Years ago, someone noticed a strange resemblance between Orzech and Feldman and joked they should create a work where they each played a version of the other. That was the beginning of this special collaboration.

“As we’ve collaborated over a long period, our connection and understanding for each other has grown stronger. Ultimately, we’ve made a work that is centred on our friendship that looks at boyhood and never growing up,” said Orzech.

“We’ve created something full of energy, movement, fun, action, excitement and sadness. We’ve also been inspired by the fantasy of Peter Pan, its author J M Barrie and the loss of his brother who died while ice-skating,” explained Feldman.

NEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVER playfully explores the taboo relationships between adults and children as well as manhood and boyhood.

Aaron Orzech has worked as a performer, director, dramaturg and collaborative creator of numerous works including plays, large-scale community events, dance-theatre, devised performance and documentary theatre.

Recent works include The Collected Works of Victor Bergman, Bell Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, Fraught Outfit’s Innocence Trilogy, Samara Hersch’s META and The Judgement and Aphids’ The Director and A Singular Phenomenon.

Sol Feldman is a passionate young performer who has trained with Alex Walker at House of Muchness. He has featured in numerous short films, commercials and performed in Fraught Outfit’s Book of Exodus Part I and Part II, Patalog Theatre Company’s Tusk Tusk and toured The Children’s Party across Tasmania for Ten Days on the Island.

Director: Aaron Orzech | Devisors and Performers: Sol Feldman and Aaron Orzech | Choreographer: Jo Lloyd | Dramaturg: Adena Jacobs | Composer and Sound Designer: James Paul | Set and Costume Designer: Kate Davis | Lighting Designer: Jen Hector | Stage Manager: Liberty Gilbert | Youth Arts Consultant: Alex Walker | Producer: Erin Milne | Associate Producer: Xavier O’Shannessy | Child Welfare Assistant: Tove Due and Bridie Noonan | Development Producers: Asha Bee Abraham and Naomi Velaphi

Arts House – North Melbourne Town Hall, 521 Queensberry Street, North Melbourne
Season: 10 – 13 November 2022 (preview: 9 November)
Information and Bookings:

Image: Sol Feldman and Aaron Orzech – photo by Pia Johnson