Neoterica 2024

Neoterica-2024-Installation-View-photo-by-Sam-RobertsOn display at Adelaide Railway Station until 14 April, Neoterica brings together new works from 20 mid-career artists in South Australia in a celebration of their enduring contribution to our visual arts landscape.

A significant and expansive survey exhibition, Neoterica is an artist-led and artist-focused initiative curated and led by Ray Harris, to celebrate the work and practice of South Australian contemporary artists in a major new visual arts event in the state’s cultural landscape.

Artists featured in Neoterica 2024 include Eleanor Alice, Jenn Brazier, Fran Callen, Makeda Duong, Deirdre Feeney, Keith Giles, Gail Hocking, Sam Howie, Matt Huppatz, Simone Kennedy, Bernadette Klavins, Kate Kurucz, Tristan Louth-Robins, Riza Manalo, Sue Ninham, Sonja Porcaro, Jess Taylor, Cassie Thring, Sarah Tickle and Raymond Zada.

The works in Neoterica reflect each artist’s own concepts and ideas across photography, painting, printmaking, performance, sculpture, installation, video, sound, ceramics, and mixed media.

Housed in a unique semi- industrial space in the heart of Adelaide’s CBD, the works are ambitious, bold, experimental, personal, reflective, environmental – each artist pushing themselves in their chosen medium, exploring their current motivations with persistence, experimentation, scale, repetition, and deep investment.

Coinciding with the Adelaide Biennial, Neoterica offers audiences the opportunity to engage with and support the work of local artists, and for artists to be seen by audiences which include visiting national curators and arts professionals.

Neoterica is included in the 2024 Adelaide Festival, further engaging interstate and international audiences with SA’s Contemporary artists. The bustling location of the Adelaide Railway station draws engagement and curiosity from a wider public, creating new followers of SA contemporary art.

The exhibition is accompanied by a printed catalogue featuring the responses of 20 South Australian arts writers. Pairing artists and writers who have not worked together in this capacity before, forging new relationships, perspectives, and engagement.

Through its commission of 20 artists and 20 writers, as well as an accompanying program of live performances and talks, this initiative provides local creatives with the rare opportunity to develop, exhibit and publish new work in their home state.

Neoterica 2024
North Eastern Concourse, Adelaide Railway Station, North Terrace, Adelaide
Exhibition continues to 14 April 2024
Free entry

For more information, visit: for details.

Image: (L-R) Sue Ninham, Code Orange, 2203-2024. Sam Howie, Landscape with Figures 16, 2023, Matthew Huppatz, Money for Painting, 2024, Kate Kurucz, Constructive Criticism, Peer Review, T.G.I.F, 2024, Keith Giles, Immortelle – a self portrait I-III, 1967-2024 – photo by Sam Roberts