On an unplanned MICF night, having seen a show or two, and had a drink or three, there’s the question of what direction to take next. Those of a left-leaning nature might enjoy a later offering such as that of Melbourne’s genial gent of sartorial splendour, Andrew McClelland. He’d like to share with you some stories from his life in his new show Overdressed and Underwhelmed.
There’s always something different about McClelland’s way of telling a story. In this outing, he shows that he’s a triple threat (“I mince, I ponce, I prance.”) between giving us snippets of biography. Some of these segue into McClelland’s thoughts on other topics, such as our political leaders, which take unexpected turns.
The ever-enthusiastic McClelland, employing big facial expressions and bursts of song, seems intent on finally realising an ambition to become a live-action version of a cartoon character. A coat stand on stage provides some accessories for when he takes on a song, although many of the stylish garments on display serve only as stage decoration.
Having seen a number of McClelland’s other shows, I was surprised to find this one a more bitty outing. However, as we approach the finale, a theme starts to emerge from the diverse elements. The tales of how his parents met, and how he dealt with bullying give some shape to his journey to being the flamboyant gent we now behold.
Judging McClelland against the standard he’s set in his other shows (say Mixed Tape or Time Ninjas with Lawrence Leung) this outing doesn’t feel as cohesive or polished. But let’s not write this dandy off just yet. I suspect that the important events of McClelland’s origin story are waiting for their opportunity to flourish in the next version of this show. You can still count on Overdressed and Underwhelmed to stand top hat and tails above shows fixated on dick jokes and mindless swearing.
Andrew McClelland – Overdressed and Underwhelmed
The Whitlam Room – Trades Hall, Corner Lygon & Victoria Streets, Melbourne
Performance: Thursday 2 April 2015 – 9.45pm
Season continues to 19 April 2015 (no show Mondays)
Bookings: 1300 660 013 or online at: www.ticketmaster.com.au
For more information, visit: www.comedyfestival.com.au for details.
Image: Andrew McClelland (supplied)
Review: Jason Whyte