Meurants Lane

Limelight Meurants Lane photo by Darren GillMeurants Lane is a brilliant production by Limelight Department Theatre, not least of all because it’s Christapor Yaacoubian’s debut play as writer and director. A compelling story and the pace and manner in which that story unfolds, speaks to the care and talent brought to the show by Christapor and his cast.

A lane is, by definition, a narrow road. There are connotations of rough surroundings and hard living, though to hear three brothers – Bedig (Michael Todorovic), Vicken (Yerasimos Raftos), and Serg (Sorab Kaikobad) – speak about their prospects, any sense of being trapped by their upbringing or current living situation is a ridiculous notion.

Their father has died and in the wake of that passing they come together. Bedig is an amateur boxer looking to use his inherited strength to make his own success. Vicken, like his father, is no stranger to difficult times and doing what he feels he must in order to secure a future for his family.

Serg was absent when his father passed, and perhaps more than the other two, contends most with his father’s legacy and what is left behind.

There’s beautiful chemistry between the cast and how their characters encourage, bemoan, and rejoice with each other. All three actors give committed performances, sometimes heightened but always truthful, as they navigate the space and each other.

Moments of improvised banter feel a natural part of the script, played out on a simple and effective set. Dressed around a well-loved couch and an ever-increasing collection of glasses, bottles, and cigarettes are reminders of family and their heritage. Increasing also is the mess and consequence from drug use.

A lovely quality of the play is how its themes and characters develop together, never lurching from one to the other as the story unfolds.

Addiction, particularly to those untouched by it, is seen less a disease and more a weakness in character. What Meurants Lane depicts so well is the understanding that addiction can be a place you end up as you wrestle (knowingly or unknowingly) with the consequences of some pain, shame, or trauma, often from childhood.

The final scene highlights that a vital part of any recovery is compassion, for others but especially yourself. We’re not offered a happy ending, but a hopeful one – just. It’s a fitting end to an excellent show. Not to be missed!

Meurants Lane
La Mama HQ, 205 Faraday St, Carlton
Performance: Wednesday 22 May 2024
Season continues to 2 June 2024

For more information, visit: for details.

Image: Meurants Lane – photo by Darren Gill

Review: David Collins