Melbourne Fringe: Sure Sign of Love

Sure Sign of LoveA relic from ancient times – yet still referred to by some people today – is the horoscope. Regardless of your opinion of their value, almost everyone in the western world seems to know their star sign. Some use astrology to gauge their compatibility with potential employees or mates, or, more grimly, to select murder victims.

Having had a childhood interest in star gazing, I was keen to see what Elena Gabrielle would have to say in her Melbourne Fringe show on dating the zodiac: Sure Sign of Love.

Those with a serious curiosity about astrology might not find too much of interest in this cabaret performance. But, you might find it will stimulate some arguments (maybe that’s because you’re a fire sign?). I was surprised to see that the attributes assigned to some signs by Gabrielle didn’t match the common stereotypes all that closely.

The bulk of the show concerns Gabrielle’s negative experiences with men of every different star sign. Her stories are too specific to be relatable, and the response of the room showed that the generally unsophisticated style of humour often didn’t amuse. Also, you don’t need to be Nostradamus to predict where the show is heading.

There are some pockets of interest, such as Gabrielle’s account of a disbeliever housemate who wrote horoscopes for a job, or that the most of the famous artists and performers are Librans. I suspect that these stories could be more fruitfully developed.

Gabrielle has energetic dance moves, and when she projects it adequately, a good singing voice that she could use more. Consulting the 1980s technology of my astrological calculator ASTRO, it is in Gabrielle’s stars to find a writer who will help her shape the stories and better play to her strengths in the next outing.

Melbourne Fringe: Sure Sign of Love
The Butterfly Club, 5 Carson Place, Melbourne
Performance: Wednesday 16 September 2015 – 8.30pm
Season continues to 20 September 2015

For more information, visit: or for details.

Image: Elena Gabrielle in Sure Sign of Love

Review: Jason Whyte