Written and directed by Freya Magee, Nevernatal is a charming comedy that tests the strength of friendship when peoples’ lives are on the cusp of changing forever.
People bring all sorts of things to a baby shower, practical items, sentimental, and in the case of Nevernatal, a hefty amount of emotional baggage as well. Paige (Isabelle Jenkins) is hosting her baby shower, celebrating with Jemima (Isobel Kilmartin), Angela (Genevieve Brott), Cassie (Lonni Allan), and best friend, Erika (Brooke Moss). But, what should be a day of games, gifts, and not thinking about Pudendal blocks, becomes strained under the weight of all the changes that are on the way.
It’s a small space at Club Voltaire (and desperately in need of some air conditioning) but, despite often having all the cast on stage at once, it never felt too cramped or awkward. Unfortunately, even though the room is intimate, some dialogue in the early scenes was lost as the actors’ volume was too quiet or casual to be fully heard. However, this quickly resolved itself as the story picked up speed.
The cast worked brilliantly together, giving the audience five distinct characters. It all begins on the page before it gets realised and despite being an early work, Freya shows a wonderful use of voice throughout. Nevernatal tells a great story with an entertaining mix of comedy and heart.
Club Voltaire, 14 Raglan Street, North Melbourne
Performance: Thursday 19 September 2019 – 6.30pm
Season continues to 28 September 2019
Information and Bookings: www.melbournefringe.com.au
Image: Nevernatal (supplied)
Review: David Collins