Melbourne Cabaret Festival returns for 2021

AAR-Melbourne-Cabaret-Festival-2021The Melbourne Cabaret Festival proudly returns to Chapel Off Chapel this June – featuring two weeks of atmospheric, seductive and soul-stirring entertainment.

You can experience an entertaining night out and be enticed by the launch of brand new and exciting cabaret shows. Many feature original music and other shows feature music from your favourite singers such as Annie Lennox, Aretha Franklin, Billie Holiday and Beyonce.

The creative energy and spirit of our cabaret performers have been at play, germinating fresh ideas, songs and stories. They can’t wait to get back on stage and perform their new works.

Prinnie Stevens, Nina Ferro, Melbourne Accordion Orchestra, Tash York and Trevor Jones are just a few of the many performers in the festival who are set to entertain Melbourne audiences.

“Almost every show in this year’s festival is brand new,” said Festival co-producer David Read. “There’s a great mix of shows featuring songs from your favourite singers mixed with shows featuring exciting original songs and a dash of comedy.”

“There’s a host of brand new performers you’ll be able to claim with pride ‘I saw them first’, mixed with iconic, established names  truly the best in the biz.”

The festival is proudly brought to you with the support of the City of Stonnington and the Ron and Margaret Dobell Foundation.

Melbourne Cabaret Festival
Chapel Off Chapel, 12 Little Chapel Street, Prahran
Season: 16 – 27 June 2021
Information and Bookings:

Image: Prinnie Stevens, Chris Burgess (as Diva) and Nicky Kurta (supplied)