Linden New Art’s iconic Postcard Show returns with a fresh look

Installation view of the Linden New Art Postcard Show 2024On display until Sunday 11 February 2024, Linden New Art’s renowned Postcard Show has returned, promising to captivate audiences with a fresh and innovative approach.

This year, the exhibition takes a leap into experimental practices by removing the previous dimension and medium constraints for entry. The 2023/2024 showcase promises a contemporary edge, abandoning the previous 8×10 size requirement and inviting submissions across mediums, including 2D, sculptures, video and audio.

Featuring over 1,000 works, a 20% increase from last year, the exhibition continues to attract a diverse range of participants, including established and mid-career artists, recent art school graduates, works from many Indigenous art centres and artists, and those in the community who have a passion for art making and exploring their creativity.

In an exciting development, the gallery introduced a Tertiary Education Prize and an Indigenous Artist Prize. These initiatives aim to encourage participation from artists within these communities, fostering diversity and inclusivity in the submissions.

In a first for the Postcard Show, this year will see a dedicated exhibition within the exhibition, showcasing two series of postcards made by students from Yirrkala School in North East Arnhem Land.

Coinciding with the commencement of the Postcards show, Linden will host a four-week summer pop-up bar on Sundays, aptly named Gospel Sundays. Running from 15 January to 5 February, the gallery will host whiskey-based cocktails and alternating DJs in partnership with The Gospel Whiskey.

“The Postcard Show has always been about celebrating artistic practice in all its diversity,” said Vincent Alessi, Linden New Art’s CEO and Director. “As such, it has been overwhelming to see how positively the changes to this year’s Postcard Show have been embraced.”

“The exhibition this year brings together the works of artists at all different levels, from the seasoned professional to the recent graduate and the amateur maker, all working across the breadth of artistic practice. It is exciting to see the diversity of approach and thinking, which will make for a new dynamic and stimulating installation,” said Alessi.

Since 1990, this small but mighty artwork prize has been providing artists at all career stages and across Australia the opportunity to present their artwork at a public art gallery and receive recognition and cash prizes.

The long-standing exhibition is open entry so that everyone, from amateur to established artists, can see their artworks displayed on the walls of the gallery. The winners of this year’s show can be viewed here!

The 2024 Linden New Art’s Postcard Show is now on display until 11 February. For more information, visit: for details.

Image: Installation view of the Linden New Art Postcard Show 2024 (supplied)