Following a successful collaboration with La Mama in 2014, fortyfivedownstairs continues its commitment to reviving successful independent productions with their 2016 encore season of Marguerite Duras’ L’amante anglaise, presented in association with La Mama from 21 June.
Pierre (Rob Meldrum) and Claire Lannes (Jillian Murray in her 2015 Green Room Award winning performance) are ordinary human beings leading everyday lives until a gruesome catastrophe occurs. In simple conversation, they effortlessly reveal the beauty and brutality of their inner selves, and create a painstaking portrait of lost passion.
“With L’amante anglaise, Marguerite Duras has created such a perfect example of pure theatre”, says director Laurence Strangio. “No frills, no gimmicks, no special effects, just us, the audience, and two consummate actors in a room exploring a rich and complex text.”
It is a rare distinction for any production to have three consecutive seasons, but L’amante anglaise proved so popular that its first two seasons at La Mama sold out. fortyfivedownstairs co-founder and Artistic Director Mary Lou Jelbart understands the need for Australian and independent works to find life beyond their premiere seasons.
“The independent theatre scene is incredibly wasteful”, says Jelbart. “Wonderful productions are seen for a couple of weeks and then disappear forever. L’amante anglaise is a thrilling psychological drama, beautifully served by superb performances. I have rarely been as impressed by performance as I was by this production.”
A brutal murder is committed in a small town in France. The dismembered corpse is dropped from a railway viaduct onto passing trains below. All except the head.
L’amante anglaise
fortyfivedownstairs, 45 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
Season: 21 June – 3 July 2016
Information and Bookings:
Image: Jillian Murray and Rob Meldrum star in L’amante angliase (supplied)