La Mama’s Free Professional Development Series Invites Connection to the Sector

La Mama Myf Powell and Caitlin Dullard photo by Georgina CapperLa Mama Theatre’s free Professional Development Series is about to kick off. The first session is on Monday 8 July and is followed by three sessions a day, finishing on Friday 12 July. Sessions will cover topics pertaining to the independent theatre practitioner, and everyone interested is invited to attend.

“Even if the session is not about your particular specialty,” said organiser Myf Powell. “An important part of being an independent artist is to have an understanding of the roles surrounding your own. The more well-rounded your knowledge, the more informed you can be when it comes to your own practice.”

Well-known actor, theatre maker and producer Todd MacDonald is no stranger to the independent sector, having been co-Artistic Director and founder of trail-blazing award-winning production company and venue The Store Room in the early 2000s.

The former Artistic Director of La Boite Theatre Company will present at the session Navigating the Mainstream, and is a big supporter of this series.

“Things are changing so quickly, and sector connection has never been more important,” said Todd. “Artists are more exposed than ever, but consolidated solidarity is a powerful tool for us to survive by building deeper connections and sharing knowledge.”

The topics covered in the series include dramaturgy, artist well-being, First Nations theatre, accessibility, stage and production management, design fundamentals, producing, mainstream theatre, independent theatre, media, intimacy and consent, diversity and grant writing.

The series is intended for all theatre practitioners, no matter where they are in their careers, nor where they are in the country. La Mama CEO and Director, Caitlin Dullard knew it was important to open the possibilities wide.

“By livestreaming the entire series and making all the sessions free, we hope to provide opportunity and accessibility to theatre practitioners anywhere,” she said.

“Livestreamers will still be able to pose their questions via the chat function, and we’re looking forward to that open and broad discourse that comes out of a diverse participants’ practice and engagement,” said Caitlin.

Todd agrees. “So often we are isolated as artists. I’ve found that the best antidote to that isolation is to reach out and connect,” he said. “The La Mama Professional Development Series is an incredible opportunity to connect to a vast array of experience and expertise.”

“I’m honoured to be amongst this group, and hope I can offer back to folks any insights I’ve gained in my practice as an artist and in my work in the sector,” said Todd.

The La Mama Professional Development Series has been made possible with generous support of the John T Reid Cultural Trust.

The La Mama Professional Development Series consists of 13 free sessions featuring 50 presenters. The series will run 8 – 12 July 2024 at the La Mama Courthouse – all sessions will be livestreamed. Sessions are free to attend – bookings essential. All evening sessions will be Auslan interpreted. For more information and full program, visit: for details.

Image: La Mama Professional Development Series Organiser, Myf Powell and La Mama CEO and Director, Caitlin Dullard – photo by Georgina Capper