Jenna Lo Bianco: Love & Rome

Jenna Lo Bianco Love & RomeIn Jenna Lo Bianco’s Love & Rome prepare to be transported to Rome with a spicy novel of sex, wine, pasta and a romance for the ages.

Moving from Melbourne to Rome was meant to fix Stella Chiaro’s life – and it did, for a while. But destiny has other plans.

With a one-way ticket home, artist Stella is running out of time and money. She is desperate to find stable work in the art world to keep afloat, or she will have to leave her beloved Eternal City behind. The last thing she needs right now is distractions…

With the arrival of the full moon comes both a sweet owner of the new local bar and a handsome new flatmate. The promise of a new job and new love suddenly beckons Stella, but she quickly finds herself repeating patterns she once vowed not to.

In a journey stretching to enchanting Florence and across the ancient cobblestones of Rome, Stella must free herself from the mess she’s in. But is it too late? Will it be arrivederci to Rome Sweet Home?

Jenna Lo Bianco is The Italian Teacher – a passionate Italianist, and also a writer, educator, PhD Candidate and advocate for Italian language education in Australia. With nearly sixty publications to her name, Jenna is trusted to write about all things Italian.

She is a Fellow of the International Specialised Skills Institute and Italian Australian Foundation, and has written and consulted in educational publishing for more than a decade. Jenna may appear to live in Melbourne, but her heart and soul are Rome’s most permanent residents. Her debut novel The Italian Marriage was published in 2024.

Love & Rome is published by Pan Macmillan Australia and available form all leading book retailers including Booktopia.

Image: Love & Rome – courtesy of Pan Macmillan Australia