A recent fundraising campaign by leading South Australian arts organisation, Guildhouse has exceeded its target by more than $20,000 – to establish an interest-free loan service for its members.
Guildhouse raised the funds through its 50 for 50: DOUBLE THE LOVE campaign, exceeding its initial target of $50,000 to kick-start the service ahead of its 50th anniversary next year. A significant portion of the funds raised was matched dollar for dollar through Creative Partnerships Australia’s PLUS 1 program.
Guildhouse Executive Director Rae O’Connell said the organisation was overwhelmed with the level of support for the initiative.
“This pool of funds will be loaned to help creative professionals realise their goals, open up new opportunities and help to build sustainable careers,” said Ms O’Connell. “As the funds are repaid, they will be available for other creative professionals to loan and expand their practice too. The value of these donations will continue to multiply and will benefit many individuals.”
“We are particularly grateful to the James and Diana Ramsay Foundation for their generous support and for the support we received from Creative Partnerships Australia,” Ms O’Connell added.
Supporting and creating connections for local creative practitioners, Guildhouse initiates opportunities, collaborates with creative institutions, businesses and the broader community to promote contemporary visual artists, craftspeople and designers. Through innovative projects, professional development programs and events, Guildhouse is dedicated to supporting and promoting contemporary practice for both makers and their audiences.
Applications to access the loans service will be available in the coming months. For more information, visit: www.guildhouse.org.au for details.
Image: courtesy of Guildhouse