Following critical acclaim performances in venues across Australia and abroad, In Pour Taste: A Comedy Wine Tasting Experience has been hand-picked for a season at the Off-Broadway SoHo Playhouse in Manhattan as part of its prestigious International Fringe Encore Series.
In an experience that could only be described as “goon bag in quantity, champagne in quality“ – comedians Sweeney Preston and Ethan Cavanagh are joined by a wine expert as they guide you through five wines and at least five jokes.
“This feels like a massive opportunity and we’re so excited, we’ve currently got our finest bottle of Passion Pop on ice to celebrate,” said Ethan Cavanagh. “Having just spent December in snowy Toronto, we wouldn’t be ditching the Aussie summer for another couple of weeks if we didn’t think it was worth it.”
Everyone from worldly wine wankers to clueless chardonnay chuggers will find something to make their glass half full, as all the wine industry’s most hard-hitting questions are answered: How far should I extend my pinky when sipping? What the f%*k is a tannin? And who’s parked in the clearway out front, you’re about to be towed?
“I cannot wait to explain to Americans what a goon bag is. It’s honestly a dream come true,” said Sweeney Preston. “If anyone’s got Hugh Jackman’s phone number we’d love to invite him.”
“A welcome palate cleanser… light as moscato and fizzy as Passion Pop.” – The Saturday Paper
In Pour Taste: A Comedy Wine Tasting Experience plays the SoHo Playhouse (Manhattan) from 29 January – 9 February 2025.
You can also catch In Pour Taste: A Comedy Wine Tasting Experience back in Australia when it plays Bunjil Place (Narre Warren) on Thursday 13 February; before playing Gluttony @ Adelaide Fringe from 23 February; and Morris House as part of the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival on 25 & 26 March, and the Melbourne International Comedy Festival from 29 March 2025. For more information, visit: for details.
Image: Sweeney Preston and Ethan Cavanagh (supplied)