Five new recovery projects that support regional arts practice

Typeface-Amador-Loureiro-on-Unsplash As the national voice for arts in regional Australia, Regional Arts Australia (RAA) supports high quality practice through professional development opportunities and cross-sector projects.

With the support of the Australian Government’s investment in COVID-19 recovery as part of the $10 million Regional Arts Fund Recovery Boost, RAA is delighted to announce five new projects.

The new RAA National Strategic Recovery projects will increase artistic and creative engagement, engage First Nations approaches, address youth mental health and wellbeing, increase diversity and inclusiveness and support the development of new work. They include:

Knowledge Circle
A First Nations-led project that contributes to the cultural safety and community wellbeing of First Nations communities as well as providing national awareness about diverse cultures and languages.

Local Giants
A multi-phased creative project that provides regional arts practitioners with a supportive pathway that connects artist residencies and producer training with creative development, presentation of new work and shortform touring.

Regional Scribes
A project that connects young Australians through creative engagement, storytelling and writing.

100K Creative Jobs Plan
A research project connecting creative jobs as a growth indicator in regional Australia. It will demonstrate greater integration of cultural industries with tourism, agriculture, health, education and technology during the pandemic recovery phase.

National Regional Fellowships Recovery Extension
A strategic mechanism to support professional development and sustainable creative practice as the arts and creative sector works to recover, rebuild and reposition post-COVID-19.

Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP, said the Federal Government’s investment of over $1 million in these five projects will support the long-term development and sustainability of regional arts, and the recovery of regional communities.

“We know our regional and remote communities have been hit hard by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is why the Government acted quickly to introduce our $10 million targeted measure in April 2020, as part of the Relief and Recovery Fund.” said Minister Fletcher.

“These five projects will support regional artists, arts workers and organisations across Australia to develop viable career pathways, build partnerships and foster creative community engagement, as we rebuild from the pandemic.”

RAA Executive Director, Ros Abercrombie, explained this investment in valuable, nationwide arts programs will enable Australians to consider and create solutions in regions, industries and communities affected by the global pandemic.

“RAA is committed to maintaining collaborative partnerships. All our National Strategic Recovery projects will strengthen artistic and creative practices that will build a stronger, more vibrant and sustainable national arts and creative sector,” said Ros Abercrombie.

“They will also improve opportunities for access, diversity and participation for regional Australian communities across multiple industries and sectors.”

The RAA National Strategic Recovery projects are made possible by the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia. For more information, visit: for details.

Image: Amador Loureiro on Unsplash