Creative Australia announces reappointment of Adrian Collette AM as CEO

AAR Creative Australia Adrian Collette AMCreative Australia has announced the reappointment of Adrian Collette AM as its CEO for a further five-year term.

Mr Collette has steered the organisation through a significant period of transformation following his appointment in January 2019.

“On behalf of the Creative Australia Board and staff, we welcome the reappointment of Adrian Collette. Adrian has provided insightful and steadfast leadership during a significant time of change and renewal, leading us through the COVID-19 pandemic, and in 2023, our transformation to Creative Australia,” said Chair Robert Morgan.

“He helped to shape the National Cultural Policy: Revive, as part of the Advisory Group, setting a new and exciting direction for our organisation. We’re grateful for his continued leadership and guidance as we build toward a stronger more ambitious future for Australian arts and culture,” said Mr Morgan.

“Over the next five years, we have a unique and exciting opportunity to continue to strengthen our cultural and creative industries. I’m profoundly honoured to continue at the helm of Creative Australia as we work to realise the ambitions of the National Cultural Policy,” said Adrian Collette AM.

“Following the establishment of Music Australia and Creative Workplaces, there is much important work to be done, including the vital conversations with First Nations communities which will inform the establishment of the First Nations Council in 2024.”

“We’re also working towards the establishment of Writers Australia, defining a works of scale investment fund, and developing Australia’s first State of Culture Report. As we forge ahead, our vision remains for a thriving and creative nation, where the impact of arts and culture are recognised and accessible to every Australian,” said Mr Collette.

Mr Collette has contributed a wealth of in-depth strategic knowledge and experience as CEO, having served as a Board member for the former Australia Council and chair of the Major Performing Arts Panel.

For more information about Creative Australia, visit: for details.

Image: Adrian Collette AM – courtesy of Creative Australia