Couch Potato

WIT Couch PotatoIn their first show for 2016, wit incorporated presents the Australian premiere of Couch Potato, Hayley Lawson-Smith’s hilarious take on what makes us tick and how we deal with the unexpected at the Bluestone Church Arts Space until 27 February 2016.

Set in a Footscray living room in 1998, Robert Hazlehurst lives in a holding pattern. He never moved out of home, and nothing has changed since his mother died. His sister, Lisa, would like to find him a girlfriend. His best mate, Lorrie, just wants him to get laid.

Then one day, a girl appears. On the couch. Asleep. Nobody is really sure why she’s there, because she doesn’t wake up, but everyone is trying to figure out how to keep their balance in this very unbalanced situation.

This absurd new Australian comedy explores the way we navigate grief, family, relationships and love – usually while saying the exact opposite of what we mean. Are we more honest in our words or our actions? How can one stranger’s presence bring a family back to life?

“This story is heart-warming, heart-breaking, and bizarre,” says director Belinda Campbell. “The chaos of three people trying to navigate each other, while always trying to keep their cool, makes for a series of hilarious moments. This show will have you in stitches.”

Director: Belinda Campbell  Cast: Jessica Lawrence, Jennifer Piper, Mark Salvestro, Luke Styles

Couch Potato
Bluestone Church Arts Space, 10A Hyde Street, Footscray
Season: 12 – 27 February 2016

For more information, visit: for details.

Image: Luke Styles, Jennifer Piper, Mark Salvestro and Jessica Lawrence feature in Couch Potato (supplied)