Circa to host performing arts touring in Queensland

wunderkammer_ CircaAward-winning Brisbane based company Circa has been appointed to manage touring services for performing arts in Queensland for three years from January 2014.

Arts Minister Ian Walker said Circa will take over the management of arTour, the state’s peak tour coordination body that provides touring services nationally and state wide.

“arTour is a key component in the Playing Queensland Fund – Boost to Touring, an election commitment by the Newman Government,” Mr Walker said.

“It will provide funding of $10.6 million over four years (2013–16) for performing arts touring, under the Arts for All Queenslanders policy.”

“Circa will bring a fresh approach to touring through exciting collaborations, an innovative use of technology and new regional and international opportunities.

“Circa’s appointment as arTour host was decided through an assessment process and means new opportunities for Queensland venues and artists, a definitive hub of touring resources.

“It aims to increase the breadth and depth of artists, venues, communities and audiences involved in performing arts touring.”

Mr Walker said the arTour provider changes every three years and he thanked Artslink for its services since 2010.

Yaron Lifschitz, Circa Artistic Director and CEO, said Circa was  delighted to be given the opportunity to put its global expertise and local knowledge to the service of touring throughout Queensland.

“This is a huge state with significant challenges of access, audience development and efficiency,” Mr Lifschitz said.

“At Circa we take pride on making the impossible happen through our dedicated staff, a culture of innovation and a gutsy, result-focused work ethic.

“We take the responsibility of arTour very seriously and are dedicated to delivering the best, for Queenslanders, now and into the future.”

Image: courtesy of Circa