Whilst the title of Cabaret Vertigo isn’t entirely accurate (it’s more of a circus variety show), there are quality routines here, and even some unexpected burlesque elements.
Presented by the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA), the show features NICA students, alumni, and a current trainer. The somewhat hazy fringe blurb promised, “… an intoxicating evening of circus and live music”. So maybe the line-up (available on Insta) wasn’t quite settled by the blurb deadline. Happily, there was a good range of skilful performances on offer.
Our pink-tinged host for the evening, Minnie Andrews, lived up to her introduction of being small in size but salty in content. The overt nature of some of her banter (and the show’s backing music selections, such as Choriza May’s My Pussy is Like a Peach) made for some lively times, but could run against efforts to present this as a sophisticated evening. Still, Andrews kept the energy levels high as she steered the outing.
A large part of the show’s appeal (and a point of difference from others on offer this Fringe) was the promise of live music. Having most acts perform with a backing track seemed a curious choice.
When the four-piece band (upright bass: Andi Cooper, drums: Sally Ingram, keys: Jeff Young and Lisette Payet) and vocalist (Megan Scolyer-Grey) got a go, they showed talent in slanting familiar tunes of recent times in more vintage directions, recalling the work of Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox. One suspects the show would benefit from using them further.
The opening of a brisk hoop routine by NICA trainer Miss Skopalova in a silver bodysuit illustrated the style of slick and sexy action on offer here. Other highlights across the hour included impressive strength and some unusual twists from final-year student Luca Trimboli on straps. Also, Ty Wallent’s high-intensity diablo act used technology to create a punchy and visually arresting slant on the artform.
A tastefully performed fan-dance by Taliesha Hall-Huynh playfully teased the audience before ascending on a trapeze. As they showed us some novel transitions, and controlled rotation whilst glittering in bedazzled accessories, we could recall classy late-night club acts from the days of La Clique.
Some people like a story with their circus skills, such as in Head First Acrobatics Godz. Some might want a snappy selection of acts, as you’ll find in Cabaret Vertigo. As the Circus Oz hub hosts an array of different styles of show, you could make a night out of trying multiple circus flavours there.
Cabaret Vertigo
Circus Oz Performance Hub, 35 Johnston Street, Collingwood
Performance: Friday 4 October 2024
Season continues to 6 October 2024
Information and Bookings: www.melbournefringe.com.au
Image: Luca Trimboli – photo by Daniel Rabin
Review: Jason Whyte