Bundanon has announced the list of artists and researchers who will undertake residencies at Bundanon in 2025.
Bundanon’s world-renowned Artist in Residence program is the largest program of its kind in Australia and spans the organisation’s 30-year history. The program grows year-on-year and is structured through a series of partnerships with leading arts organisations and companies, cultural agencies and benefactors.
This year, Bundanon has yet again received a record number of applications from individuals and groups from across the world. Bundanon is committed to fostering an inclusive Artist in Residence program, with a selection process guided by diverse independent peer assessors.
At every step of the process, Bundanon ensures that diversity and accessibility are prioritised. As an indication of the organisation’s commitment to supporting artists from all disciplines, there are no direct costs to artists associated with Bundanon’s Artist in Residence Program.
This important initiative highlights the organisation’s commitment to support the development of new work in Australia, consistent with Revive the National Cultural Policy that promotes the centrality of the artist.
“We are delighted to welcome such a diverse group of artists and researchers to Bundanon in 2025,” said Rachel Kent, CEO. “Our residency program upholds Bundanon’s core commitment to support cultural production across all disciplines, and in all phases of the creative process.”
The major Artists in Residence program is for visual and performing arts, literature, dance and music, and environmental and scientific research. It provides important career opportunities for artists and researchers to develop their work in an inspiring environment.
Artists and researchers are hosted in purpose-built studios and rehearsal spaces at the organisation’s secluded Homestead site.
Bundanon supports all art forms through its residency program, nurturing the creation of new work, and providing a tranquil environment devoid of urban distractions, noise and light pollution, to support critical thinking and creative production.
In 2025, Bundanon is undertaking a series of renovations of the current residency buildings, some of which are heritage structures, to improve site use and accessibility. The building works have been planned to offer maximum time to Bundanon’s incoming resident artists.
Arthur and Yvonne Boyd’s vision for Bundanon lies at the heart of the Artist in Residence program: to provide a creative space for Australia’s contemporary artists and researchers in a unique natural environment.
Established in 1993, Bundanon represents Arthur and Yvonne Boyd’s legacy of support for contemporary living artists and the visitors who engage with them, representing one of the most significant acts of philanthropy in the history of the arts in Australia.
Bundanon’s mission is to operate the property as a centre for the arts and education, for scientific research and a place to explore landscape and engage with First Nations history and culture.
Bundanon’s residency program for visual artists, writers, musicians, dancers, performers and scholars, and its learning programs, are the foundations of the Bundanon programs and represent a unique investment in Australia’s future.
The Collection features some 1,448 works by Arthur Boyd together with Boyd’s contemporaries such as Sidney Nolan, John Perceval, Joy Hester and Charles Blackman, as well as new commissions by contemporary artists created for the new Art Museum.
Bundanon is located on 1,000 hectares of bush and parkland overlooking the Shoalhaven River, on the South Coast of New South Wales, two and a half hours from Sydney.
For more information about the artists and researchers who will undertake residencies at Bundanon in 2025, visit: www.bundanon.com.au for details.
Images: Writers’ Cottage, Bundanon – photo by Chris Jallard | Bundanon Road – photo by Chris Jallard