Brown Women Comedy brings together an immaculate line-up of South Asian comedians from Australia and around the globe for 11 nights of stand-up.
Shyaire Ganglani, Urvi Majumdar, Gauri B, Yasmin Kassim, Daizy Maan, and Sashi Perera threaded their way through a myriad of topics – or more accurately a hit-list of often dark always funny observations on love, sex, relationships, capitalism, culture, tradition, parental expectations, or just existing as a brown woman in the world.
With this much talent on stage, laughter from the audience was never in doubt, but an unexpected delight was hearing the strength and depth of the “knowing” laugh from the crowd. That and a multitude of mother impressions that never failed to get a strong response.
Among the punchlines early on is the phrase, “Currency of trauma,” and it’s clear these women have amassed between them an embarrassment of riches. By sharing some of that wealth and their hilarious insights and comedy with audiences through the rest of the Festival, we’re all the richer for it.
Brown Women Comedy
Queen Victoria Women’s Centre, 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Performance: Saturday 6 April 2024
Season continues to 21 April 2024
Information and Bookings:
Image: Brown Women Comedy – photo by Rayan Fernando
Review: David Collins