
MF24 Margot Mansfield in B.L.I.P.S. photo by Peter TsimopAt 19, circus performer Margot Mansfield first experienced Brief Limited Intermittent Psychotic Symptoms. Episodes of these inform her solo show B.L.I.P.S., co-written with famed hoop artiste Jess Love, also the show’s director.

Unlike other Trades Hall venues, The Quilt Room lacks a raised stage. This was unfortunate as such height would have aided the sightlines of at least some sitting beyond the first row or two.

Mansfield’s various descents to the floor to show sleep attempts were hard to see. Also, the (well done) manic tumbling to show “the zoomies” after periods of sleep deprivation was partially obscured.

B.L.I.P.S. recalled various tales where psychosis made Mansfield’s behaviour range from odd to dangerous. Their history was explored in differing ways. Sometimes these were useful, such as through one-sided phone conversations with a friend. Other choices were less integrated with the story, such as home videos of childhood.

We saw a good deal of jumping around here; there’s a dress-up to show a particular delusion, and some less-than-expert singing. One suspects that interrogation of the show’s disparate elements by an outside eye might sharpen its focus and heighten its assets.

Positives in this inventive tale include some brief interludes of circus skills. Hand balancing added a visual metaphor whilst we heard of interactions with the mental health system. A snappy hoop routine suggested the benefit of Love’s involvement.

The show is personal, but also educational, and Mansfield did well in using humour to lighten content on the grim realities posed by psychosis and its associated symptoms.

Festival Hub: Trades Hall – Quilt Room, Corner Lygon & Victoria Streets, Carlton
Performance: Saturday 12 October 2024
Season: 9 – 13 October 2024 (ended)
Information: www.melbournefringe.com.au

Image: Margot Mansfield in B.L.I.P.S. – photo by Peter Tsimop

Review: Jason Whyte