Audiences invited to Pass the Parcel at MICF 2024

AAR MICF24 Pass the ParcellBringing absurdity and mirth in their first collaboration together, Meg Taranto and Elliot Wood present Pass the Parcel at Tasma Terrace, as part of the 2024 Melbourne International Comedy Festival from 27 March.

For 12 frolicsome nights, audience members are invited to play together, as much as they are comfortable to do so, while Meg and Elliot clownishly facilitate a party world around them. This is their first collaboration together as a duo, after working together on last year’s Melbourne University Law Revue.

Meg Taranto is a performer, theatre maker, writer and facilitator whose recent credits include Climbers presented by Fever 103 (dir. Monique Marani), FOX which they wrote and performed in (dir. Solomon Rumble) and being a generator artist for Polyglot Theatre. They are the co-artistic director of Three Bags Fool Theatre Co. who received the Victorian College of the Arts First Step Theatre Grant for 2023.

Elliot Wood is a performer and theatre maker, with credits including Hello, Who Is It? (dir. Stephanie Teitelbaum) for the MICF, a Collaborator in Antipodes’ Winter Lab 2023, and director of the 2024 Melbourne University Law Revue. Both share a love of rambunctious comedy and play that cares about the world it is responding to.

If children’s games model the world as we want it to be experienced, then Pass the Parcel frequents as one of the most controversial. Does everyone get a prize? How much hope is appropriate? Life can be disappointing… but does a party game have to be?

Pass the Parcel is an investigation of fun, power, the fun of power and the power of fun. The fun that many of us cut our teeth on, and have searched for ever since.

Pass the Parcel!
Tasma Terrace, 5 Parliament Place, Melbourne
Season: 27 March – 7 April 2024
Information and Bookings:

Image: Meg Taranto and Elliot Wood feature in Pass the Parcel! (supplied)