Live Performance Australia welcomes new Arts Minister

The Hon Paul Fletcher MPLive Performance Australia (LPA) has congratulated the Hon Paul Fletcher MP on his appointment as the Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts.

“We look forward to working with the Minister on policies that promote the growth of our vibrant and dynamic live performance industry,” said LPA Chief Executive, Evelyn Richardson. “As the Minister noted on his appointment, Australia’s performers and creative artists are world renowned and make a profound contribution to our national identity.

“There is a great opportunity for the new Minister to take a leadership role in guiding a national policy approach that celebrates and advances our cultural industries as valuable national assets, which are recognised for their significant economic and social contribution to the life of the nation,” added Ms Richardson.

“It’s time to celebrate and develop the contemporary cultural identity of our nation through a clearly articulated cultural policy, providing creative Australians with a road map to allow them to flourish at home and abroad,” said LPA’s President Richard Evans. “A strong cultural sector is a major selling point for all sophisticated nations, and cultural development and articulation must be forefront in the new government’s aspirations for our national economic and social well-being.

“The cultural sector has suffered too much ad hoc decision-making in recent years, and the new Minister now has an opportunity to put in place policies that support industry growth, better reflecting its size and importance in terms of jobs, economic activity and significant contribution to our cultural expression and identity.

“We look forward to working with the Minister on initiatives to support a successful, thriving Australian live performance industry,” Mr Evans added.

For more information about Live Performance Australia, visit: for details.

Image: The Hon Paul Fletcher MP (supplied)