On the Couch with Hugh Sexton

Australian Shakespeare Company Hugh SextonWho is Hugh Sexton?
He’s an actor. While I was at Uni studying science I did a lot of soul searching. Long story short I went to the top of a mountain while my life was at a crossroads and decided to follow my heart. 30 years later I’m still working as an actor… maybe a little poorer but very content I chose this path.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Absolutely nothing. All the mistakes and wins I’ve had through life has made me what I am today and I wouldn’t change that for quids. Having said that I would probably be a little more consistent with the gym and fitness. And maybe less wine.

Who inspires you and why?
100 percent my Mum inspires me. I’ve never met a more caring and nurturing person and that is something that I’ve tried to emulate but definitely not as successfully. My Dad inspired me too with his work ethic and he had quite visionary ideas for business. He had an excellent mind.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Gosh. Pass! LOL. If I had the superpower, I would create less division in the world. Division is the root of all conflict and if I could wave my little magic wand I would want unity.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Anywhere on the South Island of New Zealand. I’ve been lucky enough to work there on a few occasions and it really is food for the soul. I remember flying over the interior from Nelson to Christchurch on a clear day. I’ll never forget the view.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I love the NGV. They always have something excellent on. I love The Lume too! They really do create an entire world out of their Subject. Van Gogh was a highlight. Just walking the alleyways through the city is so much fun with all the hidden cafes and eating spots. When there is something on at the MCG and it’s a full house it’s a must see. The noise is unforgettable.

What are you currently reading?
Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell. I’m a bit late but I enjoy immersing into a world where Shakespeare walked. Even if it’s a little fictitious it gives me an appreciation of the time he walked in.

What are you currently listening to?
The pre show mix of our current show Macbeth. It’s excellent. Dark and broody with a rough edge. Think Nick Cave, Chris Cornell, Soundgarden, Black Sabbath etc.

Happiness is?
A good vibe with old friends. Plenty of laughter, chats and the odd bevvie!

What does the future hold for you?
Life as an actor means that the future is never certain and always unpredictable. It can be challenging yet it does throw the most wonderful surprises from time to time. I would never have predicted that I would be working in Sydney, Tokyo and London last year yet somehow that happened. Touch wood these little surprises keep popping up in the future.

Hugh stars as the titular character in Australian Shakespeare Company’s production of Macbeth – which is currently playing in Melbourne’s Royal Botanic Gardens until 28 February 2025. For more information, visit: www.shakespeareaustralia.com.au for details.

Image: Hugh Sexton (supplied)