2024 Powerhouse Design Award Recipients Announced

Kennedy Nolan Wilam Ngarrang Retrofit photo by Eve WilsonThe winners of two significant Powerhouse design initiatives, the Holdmark Innovation Award and the Carl Nielsen Design Accelerator were announced at the opening event for Sydney Design Week on Friday 13 September 2024.

The $10,000 Holdmark Innovation Award was awarded to Melbourne-based design practice Kennedy Nolan and environmental consultancy Finding Infinity for the Wilam Ngarrang Retrofit project, with designer Caity Duffus awarded the recipient of the Carl Nielsen Design Accelerator program for her project Mycelia House.

“Powerhouse is proud of its commitment to support the development of sustainable and ethical Australian design practices,” said Powerhouse Chief Executive, Lisa Havilah.

“Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Holdmark Innovation Award and the Carl Nielsen Design Accelerator, who have captured the impact of socially responsible design practices on our communities. Their ethos mirrors the focus of this year’s Sydney Design Week and highlights design’s role in reimagining more inclusive futures.”

The Wilam Ngarrang Retrofit project by Kennedy Nolan with Finding Infinity was selected for its delivery of an energy-efficient space with both social and sustainability agendas at its core.

The Retrofit addresses the challenges of waste in the construction industry through innovative ways of reusing or recycling materials and provides efficiency initiatives like rooftop rainwater collection and solar panel installation that reduce the building’s energy use by 70%.

Its partnership with social enterprise HomeGround allows two apartments to be rented out below the market rate, assisting those who are struggling to enter the rental market.

Commendations for the Holdmark Innovation Award were presented to ARM Architecture for the Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub (BEST) and Grimshaw, ABA and the City of Parramatta Council for the Parramatta Aquatic Centre. Both projects highlighted collaboration between government and community stakeholders and addressed the social needs of communities based in Blacktown and Parramatta.

“I am impressed by the calibre of entries received for this year’s Holdmark Innovation Award, which reflects the thoughtful consideration and care infused within designs produced by some of Australia’s brightest architects and designers,” said Kevin Nassif, Chief Operating Officer, Holdmark Property Group.

“The Wilam Ngarrang Retrofit project was selected for its solution to the ageing 60’s and 70’s red brick apartment buildings that scatter Australia’s urban landscape. It is a very clever, energy-efficient space with both social and sustainability solutions for giving these buildings a new life and providing critical and effective solutions given the current housing and affordability crisis facing the nation.”

“We are thrilled to continue supporting initiatives like Sydney Design Week, which encourages new ideas and solutions for new challenges experienced in our changing world,” said Mr Nassif.

The annual Holdmark Innovation Award presented by Powerhouse and Sydney Design Week Principal Partner Holdmark Property Group recognises outstanding design in the Australian built environment. The applicants are reviewed by a committee of industry experts with this year’s selection panel including Gerard Reinmuth (Professor of Practice in the School of Architecture at UTS and Director of TERROIR), Keinton Butler (Powerhouse Senior Curator and Creative Director Sydney Design Week) and Kevin Nassif (Chief Operating Officer, Holdmark Property Group).

Caity Duffus - photo by Glenn DuffusThe Carl Nielsen Design Accelerator is supported by a generous bequest from the celebrated Australian industrial designer Carl Nielsen and his wife Judy Nielsen and recognises outstanding industrial design for sustainability.

Caity Duffus will receive a nine-month program of support, including mentorship from industry leader, industrial designer Ed Ko and financial support toward the production and distribution of her project, Mycelia House, a functional container that captures the beauty of mushrooms and supports their growth within the home.

The 2024 Carl Nielsen Design Accelerator selection panel included Powerhouse Curator Angelique Hutchison, Nielsen Design Associates Director Adam Laws and Industrial Designer and Founder of IDX SYD Ed Ko. Sydney-based Ko will advise and work with the recipient to create a bespoke program tailored to the project.

“Caity’s design is an elegant and creative solution that demonstrates commercial use of sustainable materials and technology. The form of Mycelia House is in perfect harmony with growing of mushrooms and is a visual sculpture in its own right,” said Nielsen Design Associates Director, Adam Laws.

“Caity’s Mycelia House is a wonderful demonstration of what Industrial design can also be. It speaks at the Intersections of design, sustainability, materiality and beauty. I am beyond excited at the opportunity to help bring Caity’s vision and design to the next level and push the boundaries of what is possible with an industrial design outlook,” said Industrial Designer and Founder of IDX SYD, Ed Ko.

Titled In Between Worlds, the 28th Sydney Design Week invites audiences to reimagine inclusive cities and spaces for alternative futures through free and ticketed events across the city from Friday 13 to Thursday 19 September 2024

Sydney Design Week 2024 brings together visionary designers, architects and artists from across the world. This year’s headline keynote presenters include international architecture practice Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)’s managing partner – architect David Gianotten, architect and artistic director of the Islamic Arts Biennale Sumayya Vally, Academy Award-winning production designer Colin Gibson, international space architect Melodie Yashar, MAIO co-founder and architect Professor Anna Puigjaner and Moroccan-British artist Hassan Hajjaj.

For more information and Sydney Design week, visit: www.powerhouse.com.au for details.

Images: Kennedy Nolan – Wilam Ngarrang Retrofit – photo by Eve Wilson | Caity Duffus – photo by Glenn Duffus