This one man show alternates between three cast members, Andrew Longo, Trent Sinclair and Joseph Simons. Andrew Longo performed at the show I witnessed with a performance of a seasoned professional. He is more than a triple threat as he dances, sings, acts, mimes, raps and has everyone on their feet dancing at the end of the performance.
100 Years of the History of Dance as Told by One Man in 60 Minutes with and Energetic Group Finale, written by Joseph Simons and Emma Canalese, is more than just a man dancing though the ages for 60 minutes. It’s a homage to dance written by someone who obviously loves, lives and breathes dance and choreography.
Longo plays Jacob, a school student who presents a class talk on his heroes. His performance is full of passion as he educates the audience on his favourite choreographers including Paula Abdul, Bob Fosse, Rudolf Nureyev, Gene Kelly and Martha Graham.
Longo’s dance pieces are full of poise and grace as he effortlessly propels himself on stage. At times he bounded great heights, just missing the ceiling and air conditioning ducts. He delivers a recount of Rudolph Nureyev’s life that is full of compassion and feeling, ending it with a dance sequence that is so full of power and athleticism, that even Nureyev himself would have been impressed.
The scene in which Longo mimes the presentation of the 1976 Tony Award to choreographer Michael Bennett, with a metal ruler protruding from a school desk, is hilarious. He mines the speech with perfect comedic timing and had the audience laughing out loud with uncontrollable hilarity.
I was expecting 60 minutes of dance, but this show is so much more. It’s an evening of heart felt performance ending with the entire audience wanting to stand and join in the fun. By the end Longo had people of all ages up dancing and enjoying the energetic group finale. Don’t miss the chance to be entertained, educated and captivated by this one man show.
100 Years of the History of Dance as Told by One Man in 60 Minutes with and Energetic Group Finale
Home Economics at Girls School, 2 Wellington Street, Perth
Performance: Saturday 8 February 2020 – 8.15pm
Season continues to 16 February 2020
For more information, visit: for details.
Image: Joseph Simons as Jacob (supplied)
Review: Craig Dalglish