On the Couch with Denis Beaubois

Create NSW MCA Visual Arts Fellow Denis Beaubois - photo by Daniel BoudWho is Denis Beaubois?
Someone who likes to ask questions. Someone who likes cycling. An artist and educator. A father and husband. Someone who is trying to be an optimist.

What would you do differently to what you do now?
I would do more bicycle touring. Take time to enjoy the present instead of being in the future. Be faster at replying to letters. Make more Art.

Who inspires you and why?
I guess I’m inspired by what some people do as opposed to the people themselves. On Karawa’s artwork One million years is currently inspiring me. Celia Brown’s garden is pretty good as I can steal fresh rocket from it right now. People who are kind and non judgemental.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Ask more questions, listen and talk to more people.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Port Willunga in SA. Because my wife Celia introduced me to that part of the world. It’s a great place to swim without too many bodies in the water (if you don’t mind the odd shark). And it’s away from Sydney.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Depends on the friend. Currently I have a friend over from Ireland and I will be taking them to one of my favorite restaurants in Auburn. Because it’s a welcome alternative to the overpriced, underwhelming offerings in my part of town. Actually that’s not all true… the Vietnamese food is pretty good where I live.

What are you currently reading?
Empire by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri and half of Anna and the Swallow Man by Gavriel Savit – my wife and I are currently reading it to my daughter and we alternate nights.

What are you currently listening to?
Whatever my son plays on his Spotify account. I secretly listen to Pascal Comelade in my back shed, it reminds me of my good friend Olivier and touring and travelling with a group of hairy men and a circus woman around Paris.

Happiness is?
Here if you pay attention? A large Mauritian Banana Tart. When ideas finally come together in the creative process. A long road trip.

What does the future hold for you?
That’s a very good question…

Denis has recently been named the first Create NSW & Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (MCA) 2019 NSW Visual Arts Fellow. For more information about Denis, visit: www.denisbeaubois.com for details.

Image: Denis Beaubois – photo by Daniel Boud