Adelaide Cabaret Festival bids farewell for another year

Adelaide Cabaret FestivalIt may have been cold outside but the temperature was soaring at the Festival Centre during another sensational Adelaide Cabaret Festival, with over 480 cabaret artists performing in the festival and 35 sold out shows.  Total ticketed attendances were 45,000 on par with our highest ever ticketed attendances in 2013.

The festival has seen a huge 30% increase in box office since Kate Ceberano became Artistic Director, an average of 10% each year.  Demonstrating the festival’s growing popularity both statewide and across the country, 10% of tickets purchased were purchased by people from interstate or overseas and 6% of our patrons who bought tickets were from regional SA.

It has been such a joy collaborating with clever designers, administrators, musicians, artists and production crews in and around the Adelaide Festival Centre during my tenure as Artistic Director,” says Kate Ceberano.

“I have watched and fraternised with people from all over the world while staying in the one precinct!  This is my favourite festival in the world, the best job I’ve ever had, in the most beautiful city in Australia. Barry’s gonna love it! Au revoir for now.”

2014 highlights included the popular Variety Gala kicking off the festival in superb red carpet style; master story teller and singer Colin Hay had audiences mesmerised with his witty and heartfelt tales of life, love and music; as reviews glowed for Paul Capsis’ one-man show Little Bird.

Award-wining cabaret star Kim Smithlingual mastery in Nova Noir; Caroline Nin’s Songs and Stories of the Paris Lidoleft audiences wanting more.; while Adelaide songstress Carla Lippis had audiences in the palm of her hand, joking as Italo-Australian princess Brenta one minute, then commanding the stage with her powerful and moving country renditions.

Adelaide Festival Centre CEO and Artistic Director Douglas Gautier says: “We thank Kate Ceberano for the wonderful work she has done over her three years as Artistic Director.”

“This much loved festival continues to draw audiences to the Festival Centre and it’s their support that sustains the Adelaide Cabaret Festival as the leading Cabaret Festival in the world. This year 8% of ticket buyers bought to four or more shows and 20 patrons bought to 15 or more shows with one patron buying to 26 shows! This shows the commitment to and passion for this festival.”

“Whilst we say goodbye to Kate Ceberano (for now), we look forward to the ideas, collaboration and creativity in store next year with the legendary Barry Humphries at the helm.”

For more information, visit: for details.

Image: courtesy of the Adelaide Cabaret Festival